This website can generate batches of up to 250,000 unique random codes at a time. Not logged in, it's limited to 1000 codes per batch. If you own a Random Code Generator account, it can generate an unlimited amount of codes in batches of 250.000 each!
The generated codes can be used as random promotional codes, serial numbers, strong passwords, sweepstake codes, pincodes, voucher redeem codes and much more.
This site alows you to make your own coupon online and send it to a friend, free of charge. Create Custom Gift Certificates for Free with Adobe Spark. If you are a business that sells gift certificates, you can create your very own unique certificates using Adobe Spark's gift certificate maker. Browse through the selection of free printable gift certificates, then select. Create an app to distribute coupons, promo codes and vouchers to the users who register online. Easy and effective!