Warriors Orochi 4 Wiki

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  1. Warriors Orochi 4 Character List
  2. Warriors Orochi 4 All Characters
This game is an Xbox One version of the game released for PlayStation 3/Wii U that was called Orochi 2. It has added a gauntlet challengeThis game is an Xbox One version of the game released for PlayStation 3/Wii U that was called Orochi 2. It has added a gauntlet challenge mode. At it's core it's a simple hack and slash game. Where you are a general, put on a historical ancient Asian battlefield and your actions can change history. But Orochi adds famous Samurai along with the legendary Chinese generals. How do you put Chinese and Samurai generals from different feudal eras together in one game? You throw in a story Godzilla would be proud of. Which makes perfect sense, since this series is immensely popular in Japan. The game features 145 characters you can unlock. It features a 2 player co-op and 2 player online mode. The story is fully voice acted in Japanese with English subtitles. The story won't win any prizes. The instructions are weak, but it's simple enough for anyone to learn. If you loved the Dynasty warriors series you will love this game.Expand
Warriors Orochi 4
Developer(s)Omega Force
Publisher(s)Koei Tecmo
Director(s)Shigeto Nakadai
SeriesWarriors Orochi
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Nintendo Switch
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
  • JP: September 27, 2018 (PS4 & NS)
  • NA: October 16, 2018
  • EU: October 19, 2018
Genre(s)Hack and slash
Mode(s)Single-player, multiplayer

Warriors Orochi 4, released as Musō Orochi 3 (無双オロチ 3Musō Orochi Surī) in Japan, is a 2018 hack and slash video game developed by Koei Tecmo and Omega Force for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. First announced on March 2018, it is the fifth installment of the crossover series Warriors Orochi, a combination of the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series. The game was released in Japan on September 27, 2018, in North America on October 16, 2018, and in Europe on October 19, 2018.[1][2]


As with the previous iterations, the player is given control of a three-man team consisting of characters from the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series. Each character has a class type that determines their ability: Power, Speed, and Technique; the Wonder type introduced in Warriors Orochi 3 has been removed.[3] New to the series is the concept of magic and Sacred Treasures, techniques that allow characters to perform special feats to overcome enemies. These depend on a specific category that is separate from the class system, and are performed by holding down the right shoulder button and pressing either the normal, charge, or musou attack buttons, the latter two requiring a special magic gauge, and the last also requiring half of a player's musou gauge. As such, these replace the type actions from the previous games. Because of this, characters from the Dynasty Warriors series lack their second musou attack, but retain the ability to perform an aerial musou attack, and characters from the Samurai Warriors series lack their special attacks, but retain the ability to perform hyper attacks. The ability to mount a horse remains in Warriors Orochi 4, and is performed by holding down the right shoulder button and pressing the jump button.

The Awakening mechanic from Dynasty Warriors 8 and Musou Gokui mechanic from Samurai Warriors 4 are unified in Warriors Orochi 4, and may only be activated by obtaining a rare powerup during gameplay and pressing the left analog stick; when playing with only a single Joy-Con on the Nintendo Switch, this is instead activated by pressing both SL and SR, as the left analog stick alone is normally mapped to the character switch functionality. Only one character from a team may use this at a given time, though the character activating it need not be the character that obtained the powerup, and players may still switch characters while the mode is active. Once activated, the character may perform their Rage attack, consistent with both Dynasty Warriors 8 and Samurai Warriors 4. Characters central to the story are, once the relevant portions of the story are cleared, be given a 'deification' form based on figures from Greek or Norse mythology, which will be in effect while Awakening or Musou Gokui is in effect, strengthening their various other actions in the process.[3][4]

As with previous games, most stages in Warriors Orochi 4 are taken from either earlier installments of the Warriors Orochi series, or the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors source games, with a minimal amount of original stages, reskinned to suit the theme of Warriors Orochi 4. However, new to this game are mashup stages where one part of a stage is taken from Dynasty Warriors and another part is taken from Samurai Warriors; for example, the Baidi Castle stage from Dynasty Warriors 8 has the upper portion taken from the Oshu Castle stage from Samurai Warriors 4.

The game features several multiplayer options, including a three-versus-three competitive multiplayer mode.[5]


The story of Warriors Orochi 4 is depicted in a set of 70 missions, spread out over 5 chapters. Players with a demo version of the game (only available for PlayStation 4) may play the first 10 missions (encompassing the entirety of the first chapter and four missions of the second), and have access to 30 characters. As in Samurai Warriors 4, each mission has optional objectives that may be completed for greater rewards, with the highest rewards being given to those who complete all of the objectives on the highest difficulty level.

Picking up from the ending of Warriors Orochi 3, the heroes of the Three Kingdoms and Sengoku periods go about their lives after their return to their respective time periods, having forgotten all of their exploits in Orochi's dimensional world. However, Zeus, the Greek god of thunder, has a goal in mind and decides to bring all of them back into the dimensional world.

The story then unfolds from the perspective of Tokugawa forces, led by Tadakatsu Honda, Naomasa Ii, and Naotora Ii: while en route to fighting the Hashiba forces at the Komaki campaign, the three sense a mild disturbance caused by a mysterious purple fog, and find themselves in a strange and unknown world, and mysterious hostile enemies, later revealed to be the forces of Lü Bu. Although Tadakatsu is able to hold his own against Lü Bu, when Lü Bu uses the power of the Ouroboros Bracelet on his arm, the Tokugawa forces decide to make a hasty retreat. Later, they meet additional hostile forces, this time led by Sun Quan, who initially mistakes the Tokugawa forces as hostile forces sent from the Kingdom of Wei. As it turns out, these forces from the Kingdom of Wu were also transported into this world through a mysterious purple mist. The Tokugawa and Wu forces decide to ally with each other to determine their shared situation, with both Tadakatsu and Sun Quan noting that despite only having just met, that this is not the first time they had worked together before.

The Tokugawa and Wu forces, after a serendipitous encounter, meet up with a force, known as the Rebel Army, led by Liu Bei, Kenshin Uesugi, and Shingen Takeda, who are battling the Coalition Army (the Oda and Jin forces), led by Nobunaga Oda. Like Lü Bu, Nobunaga also has one of these Ouroboros Bracelets in his possession. Liu Bei invites the Tokugawa and Wu forces into the Rebel Army as they seek out Nobunaga's intent, the meaning of the Ouroboros bracelets and why Nobunaga is after them, and the reason why they are in the dimensional world in the first place. Some answers are provided by the demigod Perseus, who the Rebel Army had encountered while battling Nobunaga: according to Perseus, the Ouroboros Bracelets were created by Zeus from the hair of Medusa and the scythe of Orochi, and dropped in his water mirror for the humans to find. Offended that the gods of Olympus would treat humans as mere playthings, Perseus had taken as many of the remaining bracelets as he could find, and escaped to the dimensional world, with Athena, daughter of Zeus, in pursuit; in his haste he had lost the bracelets that he had taken. As the son of Zeus, though not close to any of his siblings, Perseus feels responsible for his father's vices, and thus aligns himself with the Rebel Army; the Rebel Army, in turn, agrees to help Perseus secure the Ouroboros Bracelets that were lost.

At this point, the warriors of the dimensional world is divided into four separate factions: the Rebel Army, the Coalition Army, the Olympian Army, led by Athena and her brother Ares, and the Demon Army, led by Da Ji, of which Lü Bu is a member. The story continues to be told from the perspective of the Rebel Army, as they attempt to confront Nobunaga by causing the defections of the various members of his army. While in separate combat with the Demon Army, the Rebel Army learns that the Ouroboros Bracelets are activated by the resolve and feelings of its wielder, with each bracelet holding the power of a god. By chance, the Rebel Army secures its first bracelet when Naotora discovers one lying in the grass; she would later use it to wield the power of Aphrodite while fending off Lü Bu and the power of Thor in his bracelet. Yukimura Sanada would secure a second bracelet for the Rebel Army, using it to wield the power of Tyr, but lose out on a third to Zhao Yun, serving the Olympian Army and wielding the power of Apollo. After facing Nobunaga head-on, it is discovered that he was, in fact, working on behalf of the Mystics who had helped the humans defeat Orochi and the God of Destruction in previous Warriors Orochi games; the mystics had found an Ouroboros Bracelet in the Mystic Realm, who in turn imbued it with the power of Izanagi and entrusted it to Nobunaga.

As the Rebel and Coalition Armies merge following the defeat of Nobunaga, Ares secures two additional bracelets, and entrusted them to Cao Pi (who would later wield the power of Poseidon) and Mitsunari Ishida (who would later wield the power of Hermes), separately promising each that they could become the 'King of Men' and rule over the dimensional world, much like Zeus reigns as king of Olympus. The unified Coalition Army bolsters its ranks, while learning that Zhao Yun is only serving the Olympians due to the fact that they are holding Liu Shan hostage to force their cooperation; once Liu Shan is freed by the Coalition Army, Zhao Yun and the remainder of Liu Shan's contingent from the Kingdom of Shu defect to the Coalition. During the process, the Coalition secures an additional Ouroboros Bracelet, which Guan Yinping uses to wield the power of Freyja.

The continued use of the Ouroboros Bracelets, as explained by the mystics, is what allows mortals, mystics, and gods alike to be summoned to the dimensional world; additionally, their continued presence will eventually restore the humans' memories of their past in the dimensional world. But even though the Coalition sought to retrain themselves from using it excessively, lest even more dangerous foes appear, the existing use of the bracelets was enough to summon Shuten Doji, the being holding the consciousness of Orochi, into the dimensional world. The Demon Army, intent on reviving Orochi using the power of the bracelets, are able to locate and subdue him. Furthermore, while on a mission to locate and recruit new allies summoned to the dimensional world, the Demon Army manages to abduct Perseus from the Coalition Army, reducing their morale.

During another battle to recruit new allies who have appeared in the dimensional world, the Coalition Army learn that Da Ji and the Demon Army had allied herself with Odin and the forces of Asgard. It was said that some time ago, there was a war amongst the gods of Asgard for which Odin was prophesied to die; instead, Odin had survived and managed to defeat all who stood in his way. To Yukimura's shock and horror, after attempting another attempt to rescue Perseus, Perseus reveals himself to be Odin's subordinate general Loki, who had tricked the Coalition into using the bracelets he had stolen and made the humans fight over, in order to both spread the fear of Zeus and make it so that Odin could be summoned to the dimensional world. Left with no other choice, the Coalition decide to seek out the truth, and attempt to summon Zeus into the dimensional world by waging war on both Olympus and Asgard. Meanwhile, Odin manages to use his power to transform the comatose Shuten Doji back to the God of Destruction, Orochi X. Separately, the original Serpent King, Orochi, was also revived, and the two Orochis proceed to engage each other in combat.

The continuing victories over the Olympians by the Coalition Army continue to frustrate Ares, and is further compounded by the sudden defection of the Toyotomi forces to the Coalition Army once Ares' duplicity is exposed. Cao Pi and his forces would also later defect, after leaking of the Olympians' plans to his father, Cao Cao, allowing the Coalition Army to confront Zeus head-on. When the Coalition Army overcome him, Zeus explains that he had been interested in the accomplishments of the warriors who had previously defeated Orochi, Hydra, and the God of Destruction, and wanted to test their strength, but before he could finish, Ares turns on Zeus, mortally wounding him. Ares, having been unaware of Zeus' motives, had made a secret deal with Odin and Loki to kill Zeus and gain his power for their cause.

Although the Coalition Army faces a faction consisting of Odin, Loki, Lü Bu, Ares, and the God of Destruction, they are undeterred, and are able to hold their own against incredible odds. Having failed to take on these forces alone and being forced to be saved by the Coalition Army on different occasions, Athena, feeling responsible for the events that have transpired, ultimately decides to join the Coalition Army in order to set things right. As the battles between the two remaining forces unfold, the Coalition Army learns that Odin intends to destroy all worlds - the mortal world, the Mystic Realm, Olympus, and Asgard alike, by summoning the world tree Yggdrasil and channeling the powers of the God of Destruction into it. He is motivated to do so out of self-preservation: having survived a war that he was destined to die, he fears that the prophecy may come true in other ways. After Ares suffers another defeat at the hands of the Coalition, Odin decides to take the power of Zeus from him, having never intended to hold his end of the deal. Before Ares is killed, however, he is saved by the Coalition Army. Given a second chance by the Coalition Army, Ares leads them to find a way to revive Zeus, whose body had been taken by Odin.

The location of Zeus' body is divulged to Yukimura through an unexpected source: Loki, who believes that the Coalition has no chance of success even with the help of Zeus. After saving the body from a raging fire, Ares uses his own life force in place of the force that Odin now possesses to revive Zeus, though Athena and the mystics also contribute some of their life force so that Ares would not bear the burden of his mistakes alone. Zeus is revived, and reveals that it was his plan all along to lure Odin into the dimensional world in order to destroy him, though Odin's destruction was always intended to be at the hands of the mortals who defeated Orochi, the Hydra, and the God of Destruction. He had anticipated the revival of Orochi; as such, he was the one who had briefly 'borrowed' the scythe of Orochi to create the Ouroboros Bracelets; in return, he had left the bracelet now in Nobunaga's possession in gratitude in the Mystic Realm for them to find. He did not, however, anticipate Ares' betrayal, or the fact that the Coalition Army already had a plan to defeat Odin and foil his plan. In order for their plan to work, they must find and defeat Orochi, and then channel his powers to the Ouroboros bracelets in order to destroy Yggdrasil. Zeus is willing to go along with the plan, but in order to do his part, he will need his staff, which the Coalition promptly win from Loki.

The Coalition Army's plans are a success, and Fu Xi and Susano'o ensure that the corrupted Yinglong can rest once more. With both forms of Orochi defeated, the Coalition Army is joined by the Demon Army for a final stand against Odin and Loki, as they too have a vested interest in not allowing Odin's plans to succeed. However, the defeat of Orochi meant that the dimensional world is also threatening to tear itself apart. Nevertheless, the Coalition Army is unable to prevent Odin from activating the power of Yggdrasil. However, before his plans come to fruition, he is suddenly betrayed by Loki.

In the battles prior to the final confrontation, the Coalition had learned that Loki is not entirely loyal to Odin: Loki had also survived the war of the gods, but at the cost of losing most of his powers and seeing all of his friends die by Odin's hand. Since then, Loki had been secretly plotting revenge on Odin, and manipulating the Coalition Army and fulfilling Odin's ambition is a means to that end: once Yggdrasil had been activated, Loki had planned to seal Odin within the dimensional world. Odin, in his injured state, is able to overpower Loki, and Loki is then forced to serve as a mindless puppet. Nevertheless, Odin is defeated and killed by Coalition Army forces, but as Yggdrasil crumbles without its power, the dimensional world teeters on collapse. Zeus, having regained his full powers, decides to send the humans back to their own worlds, once again with no memories of the adventure that they had. Before they leave, Zeus wishes all of them to have a happy and fruitful life, knowing that the gods and mystics will always smile over them in their adventures to come.


The game features 170 playable characters.[6] With the exception of the collaboration characters from other franchises, all playable characters from Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate return. Characters are based on their appearances from Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires and Samurai Warriors 4-II; as a consequence, the game also marks the debut of characters introduced in those games into the Warriors Orochi series.[3] The game adds five new original characters:

  • Zeus (Power): The Greek god of the sky and thunder, he takes an interest in Orochi's dimensional world and brings the heroes back to realize his ambitions. Zeus wields a scepter, Keraunos, as his weapon. His voice actor is Takashi Matsuyama.
  • Athena (Technique): The Greek goddess of wisdom and Zeus' daughter. Loyal to her father, she escorts him in the dimensional world while they are searching for a traitor of their kind. Athena wields a mechanical shield, Aegis, as her weapon. Her voice actor is Suzuko Mimori.
  • Loki (Technique): The Norse god of mischief and shapeshifting. Throughout the game, he disguises himself as Perseus, a Greek hero, intending to mislead the warriors into helping Odin; as such, he is solely referred to as Perseus in all promotional material. He is the person Athena is looking for in the dimensional world. Loki wields a tree spear, Mistilteinn, as his weapon. His voice actor is Hiro Shimono.
  • Ares (Speed): The Greek god of war and Zeus' son. Prideful and arrogant, he loathes humans and detests his father's tendency to live among them. He wields Typhon spears as his weapon. His voice actor is Makoto Furukawa.
  • Odin (Power): The Norse god of wisdom and magic. Following his survival at Ragnarok, Odin is eager to search for and accumulate power. He wields Gungnir as his weapon. His voice actor is Sohta Arai.

All remaining characters are voiced by their voice actors from their last playable appearance, with the exception of Ujiyasu Hōjō, who is now voiced by Masashi Ebara after the passing of previous voice actor Unsho Ishizuka.

WeiWuShuJinOtherOrochi 1Orochi 2Orochi 3Samurai 1Samurai 2Samurai 3Samurai 4
Cai WenjiDaqiaoBao SanniangDeng AiChen Gong*Da JiBenkeiAres*Goemon IshikawaGinchiyo TachibanaAyaHisahide Matsunaga*
Cao CaoDing FengFa Zheng*Guo HuaiDiaochanFu XiDiamondback[disambiguation needed]Athena*Hanzō HattoriGraciaHanbei TakenakaKagekatsu Uesugi*
Cao PiGan NingGuan PingJia Chong*Dong ZhuoHimikoDodomekiLoki*Hideyoshi ToyotomiIeyasu TokugawaKaiKojūrō Katakura*
Cao RenHan Dang*Guan SuoSima ShiLu BuKiyomori TairaGyukiOdin*InaKanetsugu NaoeKanbei KurodaKoshōshō*
Dian WeiHuang GaiGuan Xing*Sima YiLu Lingqi*NuwaHundunZeus*Keiji MaedaKatsuie ShibataKiyomasa KatōLady Hayakawa*
Guo JiaLianshiGuan Yinping*Sima ZhaoMeng HuoOrochiKaguyaKenshin UesugiKojirō SasakiMasanori FukushimaMunenori Yagyū*
Jia XuLing TongGuan YuWang YuanjiYuan ShaoSun WukongKyūbiKunoichiKotarō FūmaMotonari MōriNaomasa Ii*
Li Dian*Lu MengHuang ZhongWen Yang*Zhang JiaoTaigong WangNezhaMagoichi SaikaMitsunari IshidaMuneshige TachibanaNaotora Ii*
Pang DeLu Su*Jiang WeiXiahou BaZhurongYoshitsune MinamotoNezha (Human)Masamune DateMotochika ChōsokabeUjiyasu HōjōNobuyuki Sanada*
Wang YiLu XunLiu BeiZhang Chunhua*Zuo CiOrochi XMitsuhide AkechiMusashi MiyamotoTakakage Kobayakawa*
Xiahou DunSun CeLiu ShanZhong HuiSanzangNobunaga OdaNagamasa AzaiTakatora Tōdō*
Xiahou YuanSun JianMa ChaoZhuge DanSeimei AbeNeneToyohisa Shimazu*
Xu HuangSun QuanMa DaiShennongOichiSakon ShimaYoshitsugu Ōtani*
Xu ZhuSun ShangxiangPang TongShuten DōjiOkuniToshiie Maeda
Xun Yu*Taishi CiWei YanSusanooRanmaru MoriYoshihiro Shimazu
Yu Jin*XiaoqiaoXingcaiTamamoShingen Takeda
Yue Jin*Zhou TaiXu ShuYinglongTadakatsu Honda
Zhang HeZhou YuYueyingYoshimoto Imagawa
Zhang LiaoZhu Ran*Zhang Bao*Yukimura Sanada
ZhenjiZhang Fei
Zhao Yun
Zhuge Liang
  • Asterisk (*) denotes new characters to the series.
  • Bold denotes default characters. Additionally, players who pre-ordered the game also have Tamamo (Nintendo Switch), Kyubi (PlayStation 4), or Yinglong (Xbox One X) unlocked from the start of the game, in addition to those denoted.


The theme song is 'Kakumei No Masquarade Musou OROCHI ver.' (革命のマスカレード 無双 OROCHI ver., lit. 'Masquarade of Revolution Warriors Orochi ver.') by Suzuko Mimori,[7] a remixed version of a track from her fourth album 'tone.', made specifically for this game.

Warriors Orochi 4 Character List


The PlayStation 4 and Switch ports of the game sold 124,836 and 30,682 physical retail copies, respectively, within their first two weeks of release in Japan.[8] The game received a score of 35 out of 40 from the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu.[9]


  1. ^'Warriors Orochi 4 Is Set To Come Out On September 27, 2018'. Siliconera. 2018-06-10. Retrieved 2018-06-28.
  2. ^'Warriors Orochi 4 Official Site'. Tecmo Koei. 2018-06-28. Retrieved 2018-06-28.
  3. ^ abc'Warriors Orochi 4 to be released for PS4, Switch, and PC, has 170 playable characters [Update 2]'. Gematsu. 2018-05-09. Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  4. ^'Warriors Orochi 4 details Athena, more Sacred Treasures and Deifications'. Gematsu. 2018-07-05. Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  5. ^Wong, Alistair (July 29, 2018). 'Warriors Orochi 4 Has An Online 3v3 Mode As Part Of Online Multiplayer'. Siliconera. Retrieved August 31, 2018.
  6. ^'『無双OROCHI3』アレス&オーディン&ペルセウスの参戦が判明! プレイアブルキャラクターはシリーズ最多の170人に!!【先出し週刊ファミ通】'. Famitsu. 2018-08-07. Retrieved 2018-08-07.
  7. ^'Mimori Suzuko to Perform 'Warriors Orochi 4' Theme Song 'Kakumei no Mascarade Musou OROCHI ver.''. Moshi Moshi Nippon. July 14, 2018. Retrieved September 28, 2018.
  8. ^'「スーパー マリオパーティ」14万2000本。「アサシン クリード オデッセイ」「ロックマン11」もランクインの「週間販売ランキング+」'. 4Gamer.net. 2018-10-10. Retrieved 2018-10-10.
  9. ^'Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1555'. Gematsu. 2018-09-18. Retrieved 2018-09-30.

External links[edit]

  • Official Japanese site(in Japanese)

Warriors Orochi 4 All Characters

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