Watch Trailer Anne of Green Gables is a 1985 Canadian television mini-series drama film based on the novel of the same name. It is about an orphan girl, sent to an elderly brother and sister by mistake, charms her new home and community with her fiery spirit and imagination.
A dramatic TV series that will become the latest adaptation of the classic children’s novel “Anne of Green Gables” will begin production in Canada next month, Netflix announced on Monday.
The series, “Anne,” may prove to be an edgier incarnation than any of the many previous editions based on the 1908 novel by the Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery: The eight-episode series was penned by the Canadian writer Moira Walley-Beckett, who previously found critical acclaim, including an Emmy for outstanding drama writing, for her work on “Breaking Bad.”
“Anne of Green Gables,” along with five novels that would follow, are centered on Anne Shirley, an orphan who finds herself in the care of a pair of elderly siblings on Prince Edward Island, a place described in the author’s journals as rich in “ruby, and emerald, and sapphire.” (While the backdrop for the novels is fictional, Prince Edward Island nonetheless became a tourist destination for fans of the books and of the multiple Canadian television mini-series starring Jonathan Crombie and Megan Follows.)
Those picturesque tales have been remade for TV or film for almost a century, beginning with a silent film in 1919. Several films that depicted the novel’s sequels, the mini-series and even a Christmas special would follow.
Elizabeth Bradley, the vice president of Netflix, praised the series in a statement, saying that “Anne Shirley is one of Canada’s greatest gifts to the world, known and loved internationally.”
The series, which was greenlit by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, will be produced by Northwood Entertainment. The series will be directed by the New Zealand-born writer and director Niki Caro.